Category Archives: Academics

Recruiting Real Talk E4 Social Review

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E4 of recruiting real talk is down right real.  Let it be known right here right now that we have clarified one simple truth about recruiting.  You have to put it out on the field, and do what you need to do to show your skills off.  This is the first and most important rule of recruiting.  If all of your work and exposure show you not performing or having poor body language, recruiting will be very challenging for you.  People notice people that perform when the lights are on.  This is not to say that all of your hard work behind the scenes go to waste it just means you have to reevaluate the work and consider some changes if playing between the lines, is not translating from playing in practice.

Alright, with that clarity out of the way lets look at the rest of E4.  We answered 3 questions from parents in our mailbag section.  JC and Trevor can’t wait to get more from our listeners.  If you had a question for Christoph Trappe please let us know we will get it to him and share the answer.  So how do we connect with you is what you are asking.  Simple!

All – recruitingrealtalk at
Trevor – @hotfeetsports – twitter,
JC – @thestrengthu -twitter,
Christoph – @ctrappe – twitter

The NCAA Eligibility Clearing House has a great twitter feed.  @ncaaec
Simply knowing this site exists is a step in the right direction for prospective students and parents.

Lastly be on the lookout for future episodes.  We have some great guests that you don’t want to miss including a Volley ball recruiter, NAIA baseball coach, Former Chicago Bear whose son just committed to Air force.  and many more.  Keep it real, and keep it about recruiting.

For your twitter profile set up here are some tips.
1. make sure either your name or your handle has your actual name in it.  It makes it easier for people to find you

2. Location can be city alone, school alone or both

3. Link should be set to your profile that would take a coach directly to you or your film.

4. Make the description fun and add your graduation year.

Podcast Recruiting Real Talk E1

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Episode 1 of Recruiting Real talk, with Trevor Bollers and Jc Moreau is out in the wild.  The inaugural entry in this series is focused on the topic of “Getting Started”.  How, When, What do parents need to do to get started.  Give it a listen, give us a like, or a hate, or a question for future episodes.

Below are some of the resources that go along with this show.

NCAA Clearing House is a great place to start especially if you are a late bloomer or a late starter in the recruiting conversation.  Find out what your academic needs are to be able to play.

NAIA Eligibility Center is there to remind us that the NCAA is not the only option to continue your playing career.

These 2 resources can help with preparing the profile and getting questions such as what classes do I have and what do I need to be eligible.

Our biggest point in this podcast for parents is, don’t fear the stigma of people that would tell you it is wrong to get started early.  Your goals for your family are allowed to be set sky high.  If your kids have the desire don’t let anything or anyone stop you from supporting them.